Fire Protection Specialists
With over 135 years of experience, Wormald is the specialist in fire safety in Australia.
Fire Protection Specialists
With over 130 years of experience, Wormald is the specialist in fire safety in Australia.
Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System
Carbon dioxide is a clean gaseous agent, in plentiful supply and can be stored in either high pressure cylinders or low pressure tanks. It has been used effectively as a fire extinguishing gas since the early 1900’s.
Carbon Dioxide fire suppression systems can be used for either total flooding or local application and are ideal for protecting high value assets where large quantities of agent is required. These include dip tanks, rolling mills, data processing centres, vaults/tape storage and marine machinery spaces.
Wormald’s Carbon Dioxide systems comply with Australian Standard 4214-2002 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems and also provide with a number of safety mechanisms to minimise the risk of personnel exposure, which may include; limits on concentration, exposure times, time delays, discharge controls, signage, inhibit switches and warning alarms
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Fire Suppression Enquiry