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Fire extinguishers can help tackle small fires and prevent them from escalating, safeguarding lives and property. Whether at home, work, or in a public space, choosing the right fire extinguisher is crucial in preventing damage through effective, immediate action.

Order Wormald’s trifold know your extinguisher cards by completing the form on this page. The pocket-sized cards outline each class of fire and how to use a fire extinguisher and fire hose reels.

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Certification and Quality

Wormald are involved in standard and committee meetings across the fire protection and building compliance industry.  This ensures Wormald are at the forefront of compliance in relation to service delivery and Australian building compliance.

Wormald are AS/NZS ISO9001:2008 accredited, and dedicated to quality, efficient and consistent service delivery.

Environmental Health and Safety

Through our commitment to Zero Harm, our robust and dedicated Health and Safety department ensures we leverage best practices to ensure safety of employees, public and site personnel across all facets of our business.  Wormald are Tertiary level accredited to AZ/NZS4801:2001 Occupation Health and Safety Management System.